Help Improve SolidWorks’ Help File

Article byAlin Vargatu, CSWEupdated August 7, 2013


There are many different ways for users to provide feedback to SolidWorks and on this blog we have already describe various workflows for:

What about the SolidWorks Help File? Have you ever lookedup a specific feature in the SolidWorks Help and found the information confusing, missing or plainly wrong?

If the answer is YES, you will be pleased to know that SolidWorks has a very simple and quick procedure for getting your feedback and acting on it. Click on the images below for more information.

1. Make sure you have checked theUse SolidWorks Web Helpbox in the Help Menu (fig. 1)

Fig. 1. SolidWorks Web Help

Fig. 1. SolidWorks Web Help

2. When you believe a help topic has incorrect, unclear or missing information, click onFeedback in this topic(fig. 2)

Fig. 2. Example of obsolete information

Fig. 2. Example of obsolete information

3. Fill-in the feedback form (fig. 3)

Fig. 3. Fill in your feedback

Fig. 3. Fill in your feedback

I have used this workflow numerous times and most of the times SolidWorks took action. As an example this is the email I received directly from the Senior User Experience Manager from SolidWorks, Carla Schwartz, Ph.D.:

Fig. 4. SolidWorks has acted on my feedback

Fig. 4. SolidWorks has acted on my feedback

In conclusion, do not hesitate to let SolidWorks know about any problem you encounter or ideas you might have for enhancing the software. They listen!

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Alin Vargatu, CSWE

Alin is a SOLIDWORKS Elite Applications Engineer and an avid contributor to the SOLIDWORKS Community. Alin has presented multiple times at SOLIDWORKS World, Technical Summits, and User Group Meetings, while being very active on the SOLIDWORKS Forum.