
Automation with Options and Variants

Options and Variants is a very powerful and yet easy to use design automation tool. In a short amount of time it helps designers configure systems to provide consistently accurate designs while saving an enormous amount of time and money. There are so many E3 users raving about this functionality. Check out the video below to see how it works, how easy it is to add these options in your design and to control your design. You can also check out the Options and Variants Blog series to get more details: How To Automate Your Electrical Schematics – Part I How To Automate Your Electrical Schematics – Part II How To Automate Your Electrical Schematics – Part III


Automatic Reports and Intelligent PDFs

人们使用你的设计不只是designers or the people reviewing your design. It is used by the Manufacturing team, Assembly team, purchasing , support , sales and even the Customer/End User – in essence everyone involved in making or using the design/product. What can these capabilities help you achieve? How is it helping others? E3 with its Intelligent PDFs and Automated comprehensive reports gives you the ability to share your design and your design intent with all these consumers of the information you create with utmost ease while maintaining top notch quality. The 1 button reports have given E3 customers the ability to provide information in different formats for different audience in a format that is tailored to the end user….